
Perfect for bookstores and authors, this site features book categories, helping users easily browse collections. It showcases publisher logos, adding credibility to your offerings. The shop page is well-designed, with advanced filters, a cart drawer, and a free-shipping bar to enhance the shopping experience.

With smooth navigation across all devices, it ensures customers can find and purchase books effortlessly. Built with Elementor, the layout is easy to customize, making it ideal for creating a unique and engaging bookstore online.


Check out the main features that make this starter site useful and easy to work with.

One-Click Install

Get started by importing the entire site with just one click.

Fast Loading Times

Quick load times with optimized performance for all.

SEO Friendly

Built with SEO in mind to rank higher on search engines.

Easy Customizable

Easily adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand.

Mobile-Friendly Design

Seamless browsing across all phones, tablets, and desktops.

Accessibility Optimized

Designed for everyone, no matter their needs.

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Questions and Answers

Find answers to common questions about this site. If you need more help feel free to ask us via the chat.

Can I see how a starter site will look before I use it?

Yes! You can preview any starter site directly in your browser by clicking the Preview button to explore and see how it looks and functions before importing it.

It’s simple. After installing the Kalium theme, head over to the starter sites section in your Kalium dashboard. Or check out the documentation article and video tutorial to import it properly.

Absolutely. Once imported, you can adjust colors, fonts, and other design elements to fit your brand using the WordPress customizer or the page builder. 

No problem! You can still use any starter site, regardless of its intended industry. Simply replace the content with your own to align it with your business or project.

Yes, but we recommend creating a staging environment if you’re trying it on a live site to test the import without impacting your existing site.

Yes, the required plugins will be installed automatically during the import process. If a starter site relies on specific plugins, they’ll be included so you won’t need to worry about searching for them.

Yes, you can switch to another starter site at any time. However, importing a new starter site will override the previous design, so we recommend uninstalling previous starter site and then importing the new one.

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