Unique portfolio types and options that lead to fantastic portfolios with unlimited styles to showcase your work in just a few easy steps.
Portfolio Page
Unlimited Options and Layouts To Show Your Portfolio
Highly customizable portfolio page with many layouts such as live filter, hover effects, grid options and many more options to choose from.
Portfolio Layout
Two main portfolio grid layouts, show your grid in masonry or fitted rows.
Like Tracking
Reaction feature included, allows users to like or favorite any project.
Grid Options
Live grid layout options to show your portfolio in the best possible way, the only limit is your imagination.
Hover Effects
Multiple hover effects are included which are used to organize the title or category of each project.
Kalium is a beautiful theme with many useful features and plugins, it is very flexible in use. It can be a good base to build from or, when choosing a demo, is set up nicely for direct use.
Category Filter
Smart category and sub-category filtering to give your users a better site experience when browsing your portfolio.
Reveal Effects
Choose from a variety of six reveal effects to load the portfolio grid when visitors scroll down your site to view the list of projects.
Video + GIF Thumbnails
The use of GIF or video files instead of featured images makes your site more interactive and fun to use, included with multiple video controls.
Kalium is an excellent theme for my design and strategy portfolio site. Good, subtle animations that allows for a simple but rich user experience.
Title Position
Choose between titles outside the card or inside it, including lots of options per layout.
Even more features
Powerful features not presented above, but important for every customer
Thousands of artists and agencies have built stunning portfolios with our product. We are glad to have served some of the best agencies worldwide.
project PAGE
Endless Project Page Options and Layouts
Kalium offers unlimited project layouts based on 7 base layouts which lead to unlimited combinations, with lots of options necessary for artists and agencies.
Powerful Features
Below are some of the most powerful features available for each portfolio project
Video Support
Video integration support from 3 different sources such as YouTube, Vimeo and self-hosted videos.
Password Protection
Protect projects with password and keep them private only to specific people. You can switch them to public anytime.
Before/After Module
Visualize your work by showing the process of projects by comparing with the Before/After module.
Social Sharing
Included you will get options to share the projects to the most popular social networks, without the need for extra 3rd party plugins.
Two types of project navigation to keep your customers navigating through your projects.
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